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Peluca's application |
Posted by: peluca - 04-23-2019, 09:27 PM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
- Replies (8)
Hello there,
Some good old friends started playing again on EuRo and goddamm they got me hooked one more time! Sadly they are not much into siege but for me it's one of main reasons for playing. I quitted back in 2016 (mayb late 2015) after Elegy closed, some exmembers told me some good siege comrades from elegy were playing in this guild so here I am!
- Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!? I want to play competitive siege and I know some people who plays in this guild.
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE? Exceed Break RG
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun) Every one but on Sundays I'll only be able to play for 1 hour or so (first hour).
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us? back in 2014-2016 I played in Elegy, havent played siege since then.
- What are your goals in Ragnarok? 1 hitting people in siege which makes me feel kinda good and warm. Also getting 175 base (Im 162 now!) and Bossnia.
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.) I sold most of the good stuff when I quited but I still got the +9 siege set and some usefull stuff but sadly Im missing the equipment to make the build work properly on high end equiped players.
The Nicks you use ingame. Ill be playing siege with |ThunderStruck| its the RG with the highest lvl I got right now, later on I may play on Peluca (another RG) once I get some lvls. I also have a genetic, Pelucasl, and a RK, Pelucasity.
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill) 27 years old spanish male from Barcelona, I did not felt like keep playing on EuRo after Elegy closed since most of my friends also quitted... but here we go again! the nostalgia always comes back!
TYVM! hopping to see every1 tomorrow @ siege, if its possible ofc.
Application from Italy |
Posted by: Pittax - 04-15-2019, 11:43 AM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
- Replies (14)
Hi everybody,
As i think Luca already mentioned to you, i would love to join the mimimimimi family … since we always play together (most of the time , he's quite old he goes to sleep at 8pm) the premises are the same , social part but when ready would love to join WOE as well. - Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!? I manily want to join because i want to be able to go around prontera singing "mimimimimimimi mimimi sexy mimi" without getting into copyright legal problems
seirous one, i want to join you because you're that one guild that can allow me to go back to the standard of playing i was used to, back in the days , and since that's our little group of italian brothers aim, you re the perfect fit!
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE? i would love to use the genetic ( i have a 130 one) but i like the warlock and ranger also !
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun): sat / sun
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us? as for Luca I left game after transfer but we were playing together in our guild , and for woe we joined g8
- What are your goals in Ragnarok? level up chars i like and dress them with amazing costumes
after that maybe some woe mvp and useful stuffs 
- Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild [img=21x21]file:///C:/Users/utente/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png[/img]?) long time no playing, i guess meta changed a lot so i think the best path is to ask you , far more experience than i have
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.) +11 skull cap (kathryne k card) - +7 thorn staff of darkness - orleans set ( agav-zerom-zerom and situational shield) +9 immune bb - +6 temporal int boots (runaway magic, spell lvl5) costumes (fallen angel wing,rainbow wing ears,dark aura
- The Nicks you use ingame. Pittax (mostly since i m leveling the warlock) or Eruannon ,-Aidan- , -Magnum-
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill) My name is Gianluca ,i'm 27 , from Sanremo Italy (work in Milan ) , I think i know just few member of your guild Eliara,who helped me a lot with warlock skill tree , Norsk which i contacted on discord for a juperos party, and i forgot the in game name of the italian girl francesca,who was super nice to us
Thank you very much for your time...
Best Regards
JUPEROS 100+ SPEED PARTY / SUNDAY 14.04.2019 / 10:00-13:00 |
Posted by: Norsk - 04-12-2019, 10:59 AM - Forum: Party Organization
- Replies (5)
Hello everyone,
time to level your low level characters!
Details as follow:
Where? Juperos
When? Sunday, 14.04.2019
Time? 10:00 - 13:00
Range? Level 100+
Exp? Don't know the exp but there will be plenty level ups.
We meet 30min before the party starts @ Pron West Kafra - ensure that your characters are ready before we start!
Setup (9/12):
- DD: Tesuki (Ranger 104)
- DD: Norsk (Genetic 105 - switch if we lack other roles)
- SB: Johi (for leech)
- AB (IP):
- Songs (SP/Bragi): iPhy (SP IP / Bragi OOP)
- EXP Song: Johi (for leech)
- AB (OOP): Caprice (for 115 leech)
- Mobber: Lostris (for 100 leech)
- Mobber: Nakht (for 102 leech)
- Mobber: Momochama (for Kanade 115 leech)
- Mobber: Imrik
- Mobber:
Best regards
Application from Italy |
Posted by: Unwol - 04-04-2019, 01:22 PM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
- Replies (19)
Good morning to all,
I would like to propose me to join the mimimimimi family … I saw in the ragnarok forum that you also have a social part for the people not ready for the woe , but in the future I will want play war with you… - Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!? I want to join you because I saw that you are the only international guild with a serious structure and I know that you were also born from the guild Elements that was an old guild of euRO.I'd like to go back to playing at very good levels as with Gruppe8 and I'm sure that with you I can do it.
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE? in the future I would like to use the AB at the moment is jut level 110
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun): all
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us? I was Gruppe8 , but I left game after transfer
- What are your goals in Ragnarok? have fun with woe and mvp
- Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild [img=21x21]file:///C:/Users/utente/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png[/img]?) full support but I will ask to you to have more info
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.) +9immune BB , Asprika ( If I find someone to craft it ) , +9 healing s. +9 imm shadow garb, Sleipnir , Diab rings, diab robe, Ghostring armor , Shields etc… but I will need info from your experiences
- The Nicks you use ingame. Nijen- or Shaka- ( I’m w8ing change name service )
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill) My real name is Luca , 30 years from Italy ( Milan ) , I think to know just 1 member of your guild à Red_bull he was my old guilds mate in euRO ( Burn guild ).
Thank you very much for your time...
Best Regards
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