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lvl 135 RK |
Posted by: Drach - 07-25-2016, 01:43 AM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
- Replies (2)
Hey you mimimimimis
Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!?
I just came back from an 2 year RO Break and i am looking for an Int Woe guild to have some fun again and also to do some lvl partys and so on. 
Which Class do you want to play during WoE?
RK, or if needed i also have an little 9x monk on a second acc
[*]Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun)
normaly Wed and Sun to 90%. Sat depends on my weekend plans but if i have time i also will take part.
[*]In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us?
from the beginning of the closed beta on euro at
Cows of Darkness -> got closed
Stairway²Heaven ->left with half of the guild after an Drama with the former Leader Seele to form our own guild
Legendary Friends -> got Closed after the Chaos Ally (RnR, FS, and LF) managed to kicked out Godlike out of Geffen and defend against the Geffen Ally and most of the ppl from LF went to FS.
longer RO Break
Orenda -> left becouse of an Ro Break
Elise -> got closed after most of the ppl went to Gruppe 8
small Ro Break from some months
Gruppe 8 - left after euro went down
on Fro i just was in Fun Guilds which name i forgott
[*]What are your goals in Ragnarok?
To reach Max lvl with my RK and try to get maybe some day an own GL 
[*]Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild ?)
since the new patch i dont have an new end Build but my current stats are
Str: 84+x
Agi: 90+x
Vit: 90+x
Int: 56+x
Dex: 57+x
Luk: 48+x
[*]Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.)
+7 RWC [1] (uncarded)
Black Devils mask [1] (uncarded)
Blue Poring Bubble
+7 Unfrozen Valk armor
+10 double bloody double boned pike
+10 double bloody boned bastard Sword
+9 Death Guidance [1] (uncarded)
+7 Assaulter Spear
+7 Cran Valk shield
+9 Immune Bravery Bag
Varant Shoes
Medal of Honor
Rosary of Counter
and some more lvl gear
[*]The Nicks you use ingame.
Drach, Drachir, Boom!!!
[*]And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill)
I am Richard an 28 years old Male without any Unicorns till now (thats why i want to join you to catch some )
I am living near Dresden and start a new aducation in 2 months which i need to move to new zealand in 2-3 years.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
15.06.16 8-12Uhr Eclage 159+ |
Posted by: Ranma - 06-14-2016, 02:05 PM - Forum: Party Organization
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Wer hat Zeit und lust mit zu gehen ?
Es werden noch einige Chars gebraucht damit es los gehen kann.
DD: Ranma
DD: Tobi (Fockers) --> Kann notfalls auch Mobber machen
[WoE Member Bewerbung] Bitte diese Informationen zuerst lesen! |
Posted by: Ranma - 06-10-2016, 02:30 PM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
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Bitte lies diese Informationen bevor du dich daran machst eine Bewerbung zu schreiben!
Mimimimimi! ist eine internationale WoE Gilde, daher musst du ebenfalls bereit sein WoE zu spielen und du solltest zumindest rudimentäres Englisch beherrschen. WoE Equip ist daher auch eine Voraussetzung (Dmg oder Reduce EQ je nach Class). So strickt das auf den ersten Blick erscheinen mag, wir sind auch nur Menschen und wissen das jeder RL hat, aber du musst zumindest bereit sein am WoE teilzunehmen. (Captain Obvious!)
Derzeit benötigen wir nur eines, von allem mehr!
Wenn du ein Test-WoE mit uns spielen willst, dann benötigen wir von dir nicht den ganzen restlichen Kram, einige Infos reichen damit du teilnehmen kannst.
Möchtest du immer noch ein Teil von Mimimimimi! werden dann kommt jetzt der harte Teil, da du zumindest die folgenden Fragen beantworten musst:
- Warum willst du Mimimimimimi! joinen?
- Welche Klasse willst du im WoE spielen?
- Zu welchen WoEs kannst du anwesend sein? (Mi , Sa, So)
- In welchen Gilden warst du bevor du auf die Idee gekommen bist der Unicorn Force beizutreten? Und weshalb hast du sie verlassen.
- Was sind deine Ziele in Ragnarok?
- Dein Build (Vielleicht hast du sogar einen WoE Build, wenn du dich in einer WoE Gilde bewirbst
- Equipment (Wenns ein Geheimnis ist kannst du uns auch eine PM schicken.)
- Die Nicks die du verwendest
- Und bisschen was über deine eigene Person. (Alter, Geschlecht, wieviele Einhörner du besitzt,…. kennste eigentlich oder?
Bewaffnet mit dem Wissen kannst du nun eine eigene Bewerbung für unseren Awesomen! . (Awesome weil Unicorns undso) Haufen schreiben indem du einfach ein neues Topic eröffnest.
Sobald du eine Bewerbung verfasst und eröffnet hast, werden wir einen Vote für dich aufmachen und sollte dieser positiv ausfallen, so darfst du deine einmonatige Trialzeit bei uns beginnen. (Sind wir nicht großzügig? ;P)
Vielen Dank und gutes Gelingen bei deiner Bewerbung wünschen wir dir!
[WoE Member Application] Please read this first! |
Posted by: Ranma - 06-10-2016, 02:26 PM - Forum: Application Area - Become a Unicorn and hear the Mimimi!
- No Replies
Please read this first, before writing an application!
Mimimimimi! is an international WoE Guild (if you can read this you fulfill the first requirement -> english), so obviously WoE activity is somewhat mandatory. Likewise you should have the equip needed to play your Char (reduce or dmg eq). As strict as it seems at first, we know that everyone has a RL, but you should be able to play WoE at least from time to time.
We are recruiting every class at the moment!
If you want to play a Test-WoE with us we don’t need a full application just leave a few infos for us.
In case you want to join us, we would like you to include, at least the answers on the following questions, into your application:
- Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!?
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE?
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun)
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us?
- What are your goals in Ragnarok?
- Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.)
- The Nicks you use ingame.
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill)
With this knowledge you can now start an application by opening a new topic! (Yes it’s that simple rly)
We will open a vote for you after you have applied and in case that we voted in your favour, you will be able to begin your personal month as a trial . (Awesome isn’t it?)
We thank you for your time and wish you the best of luck!
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