Selbst ein blindes Einhorn findet mal ein Reiskorn
Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!?

Well I guess you know my answer Sleepy

Which Class do you want to play during WoE?

Shadow Chaser of course! ( Spoiler : Char is lvl 172, I hope it wont be a problem )

Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun)

Sadly only Sundays maybe Wednesday too, if I have enough free time! Ani_sigh

In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us?

Came back from a 1 ~ (2?) years break. Played in Elements! previously .

What are your goals in Ragnarok?
Currently my goal is to reach lvl 175 ~,~

Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild ?)

Classic Shadow Chaser Build
Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.)

Still the classic Siege Set / Dmg Reduction Eq /

The Nicks you use ingame.

Rhia, RandomGuy~, IloveRice

And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill)

22, male , from Germany
Welcome, nice to see old Guild mates coming back Ani_hungry
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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Ani_cool Ani_cool Ani_cool Ani_cool Ani_coolAni_cool

welcome again
Touch my Tralala <3
Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy Ani_sexy
Your 4 - 8 WoE Trial Time starts now  Ani_sexy Ani_hungry
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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Bin ab denn 21~22.7 bis zum 5.8 im Urlaub daher 2 Wochen mehr Trial zeit? hahaha
Geht ja um WoE's wo du da bist, also kein Problem  Ok

Viel Spass in den Ferien  Ani_hungry
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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