I was sure this moment will never happen again as I quitted ragnarok more than 2 years ago when we decided to play our last woe in Arigatò.
But ragnarok is a never ending story so I'm going to apply one more time
Since the merge of chaos and loki, on euRO (the real euRO, not this fake fRO version), the best guilds where I was playing were the ones born from a bunch of friends, from Arise (with Zeek and Takumi, when a big and cool part of elegy decided to do an "hard fork" like bitcoin and ethereum) to Envy (with Sir Lukas) and Arigatò (with Mr. Merli). I was always there from the begin to the end also with my italian friends (Lostris, Hunto, Jackal, Harry, Paoloc). That's why I chosed Mimimimimi, beside the fact that I like your name D: thinking about all the "mimimimi" dramas coming out from the main forum XD and we all know ppl are still doing mimimi for everything, specially during sieges
I also like the idea to play with some of you which were my enemies for years (respected enemies, not like nitro idd)
Before I quitted with Arigatò I was using my ranger "Soryu" with my beloved thanatos bow (we dropped the card also with Lostris in a bb party
) , so I was more or less oneshotting everything like Mr. Ranma. But I played mostly Shura (ZueZue and ZueBoy), then genetic (Zuekid and Zueking), gx (Filiberto as sinX on pre-renewal, then Paradise Blade and .Oppression. on renewal) and rk (Kenshi.). Those are the chars I mostly enjoy, I don't like to stay always on the same char for ages
Sadly I don't have anymore most of my chars and my equipment.
I did some woe with you using Lostri's Shadow Chaser (Naerys) but playing on a level 150 is not a nice feeling when everything oneshot you!
I resetted the skills of an old genetic Red_Bull (level 175) to use it in woe but I'm missing an Homunculus S, I will work about it as soon as I have enough time. Currently the build is more suitable for aoe bomb but I will probably reset it to make some little fixes.
I'm also planning to level a shura (level 150) but I will probably wait for bosnia to do it, so it will take time!
I wont have much time for playing, I will probably stick to some events (bbs, bosnia, triple exp) and some istances to get enough zeny for woe.
I will always play woe on wednesday and sunday but I won't play on saturday.
About equipment: Fra, Chaos Warrior and another friend are lending me everything I need but as soon as I can play a bit more I will buy everything again. I have access to any godlike from my previous guilds and also some other stuffs. I'll send a screen to Fuma later!
About me: I'm a 28 years old male student with a degree in sociology, I'm currently doing my master after 2 years of work in the sector of "health training" with a rly low salary and not many perspectives for the future so I decided to quit the job to continue my studies. I also tryed to move in Germany with my gf (in Augsburg, a city that I really loved) but it was not easy and in the end we came back in Italy (which is living a catastrofic situation right now, specially in the South, where I live -> think about Greece, we are probably worst). Talking about serious things: I don't own an unicorn (but I wish I could) instead I'm the proud owner of a super cat called "Vegeta" (because of his M on the front) and of a devil dog called "Baloo".
I love manga, anime, films and serie, books, videogames, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophie, psicology, technology, music whatever XD I don't love sport anymore because I'm getting old u.u (I was doing kick boxing years ago).
I will be really happy to be a part of this guild. It will take time to get used to play woe again as I was not playing for a lot of time, but I will do my best!
Last but not least some of you may know me also for my old woe videos, here are some of those good memories: https://www.youtube.com/user/seraphin182/videos
But ragnarok is a never ending story so I'm going to apply one more time

Since the merge of chaos and loki, on euRO (the real euRO, not this fake fRO version), the best guilds where I was playing were the ones born from a bunch of friends, from Arise (with Zeek and Takumi, when a big and cool part of elegy decided to do an "hard fork" like bitcoin and ethereum) to Envy (with Sir Lukas) and Arigatò (with Mr. Merli). I was always there from the begin to the end also with my italian friends (Lostris, Hunto, Jackal, Harry, Paoloc). That's why I chosed Mimimimimi, beside the fact that I like your name D: thinking about all the "mimimimi" dramas coming out from the main forum XD and we all know ppl are still doing mimimi for everything, specially during sieges

Before I quitted with Arigatò I was using my ranger "Soryu" with my beloved thanatos bow (we dropped the card also with Lostris in a bb party

I did some woe with you using Lostri's Shadow Chaser (Naerys) but playing on a level 150 is not a nice feeling when everything oneshot you!
I resetted the skills of an old genetic Red_Bull (level 175) to use it in woe but I'm missing an Homunculus S, I will work about it as soon as I have enough time. Currently the build is more suitable for aoe bomb but I will probably reset it to make some little fixes.
I'm also planning to level a shura (level 150) but I will probably wait for bosnia to do it, so it will take time!
I wont have much time for playing, I will probably stick to some events (bbs, bosnia, triple exp) and some istances to get enough zeny for woe.
I will always play woe on wednesday and sunday but I won't play on saturday.
About equipment: Fra, Chaos Warrior and another friend are lending me everything I need but as soon as I can play a bit more I will buy everything again. I have access to any godlike from my previous guilds and also some other stuffs. I'll send a screen to Fuma later!
About me: I'm a 28 years old male student with a degree in sociology, I'm currently doing my master after 2 years of work in the sector of "health training" with a rly low salary and not many perspectives for the future so I decided to quit the job to continue my studies. I also tryed to move in Germany with my gf (in Augsburg, a city that I really loved) but it was not easy and in the end we came back in Italy (which is living a catastrofic situation right now, specially in the South, where I live -> think about Greece, we are probably worst). Talking about serious things: I don't own an unicorn (but I wish I could) instead I'm the proud owner of a super cat called "Vegeta" (because of his M on the front) and of a devil dog called "Baloo".
I love manga, anime, films and serie, books, videogames, sociology, anthropology, history, philosophie, psicology, technology, music whatever XD I don't love sport anymore because I'm getting old u.u (I was doing kick boxing years ago).
I will be really happy to be a part of this guild. It will take time to get used to play woe again as I was not playing for a lot of time, but I will do my best!
Last but not least some of you may know me also for my old woe videos, here are some of those good memories: https://www.youtube.com/user/seraphin182/videos