Norsk / Mikami - seeking for a challenge!
Happy monday to all of you,

I recently started to play RO again and while my knowledge kinda feels rusty, I realized that I'm still capable of playing this game.
As leveling alone is on long term just boring (no challenge, no further goal to achieve) I want to start to play WOE again.

So far so good. But as I started like 2 weeks ago to play again, I would still need to level up the required WOE character and gear him properly.
While I could benefit from your knowledge, you could benefit from my passion, willingness to play any class which can help to be as successful as possible together.

I currently have a 99/50 sage and hunter to develop and nearly every other class in the range of 80-95 and I could attend at least one WOE per week (but I think it would still need some time to be acutally useful). Furthermore equipment shouldn't be a problem as I realized it's quite easy to get zeny with iShop stuff Wink (And I'm willed to invest some euros for iShop items in return of good equipment) 

Regarding my history and previous experience:
I played WOE before with my clown and Scholar in WuShuang (euRO Loki) and Gruppe 8 (euRO Chaos).
So generally I have an understanding of WOE itself, while strategies and other knowledge needs to be improved.

While WOE would be one of my main Goals in Ragnarok, I also like to join community events and do pretty stupid stuff together. 

About myself:
My name is George, I'm turning 30 in a month and I'm from Vienna (Austria).
I have a small unicorn in my pants and also one trans-unicorn at home (picture below):
[Image: pp_550x550_u4.jpg]

I'm usually online in the evenings (6pm) but from time to time my girlfriend needs attention too, so it could be that I skip one evening Wink
My ingame nicks are: Mykami, Avyrl, Mikamyr and many others.

Looking forward to have your feedback!

Best regards

Messages In This Thread
Norsk / Mikami - seeking for a challenge! - by Norsk - 06-11-2018, 10:57 AM

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