Hi everybody,
As i think Luca already mentioned to you, i would love to join the mimimimimi family … since we always play together (most of the time , he's quite old he goes to sleep at 8pm) the premises are the same , social part but when ready would love to join WOE as well.
Best Regards
As i think Luca already mentioned to you, i would love to join the mimimimimi family … since we always play together (most of the time , he's quite old he goes to sleep at 8pm) the premises are the same , social part but when ready would love to join WOE as well.
- Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!? I manily want to join because i want to be able to go around prontera singing "mimimimimimimi mimimi sexy mimi" without getting into copyright legal problems
seirous one, i want to join you because you're that one guild that can allow me to go back to the standard of playing i was used to, back in the days , and since that's our little group of italian brothers aim, you re the perfect fit!
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE? i would love to use the genetic ( i have a 130 one) but i like the warlock and ranger also !
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun): sat / sun
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us? as for Luca I left game after transfer but we were playing together in our guild , and for woe we joined g8
- What are your goals in Ragnarok? level up chars i like and dress them with amazing costumes
after that maybe some woe mvp and useful stuffs
- Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild [img=21x21]file:///C:/Users/utente/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.png[/img]?) long time no playing, i guess meta changed a lot so i think the best path is to ask you , far more experience than i have
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.) +11 skull cap (kathryne k card) - +7 thorn staff of darkness - orleans set ( agav-zerom-zerom and situational shield) +9 immune bb - +6 temporal int boots (runaway magic, spell lvl5) costumes (fallen angel wing,rainbow wing ears,dark aura
- The Nicks you use ingame. Pittax (mostly since i m leveling the warlock) or Eruannon ,-Aidan- , -Magnum-
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill) My name is Gianluca ,i'm 27 , from Sanremo Italy (work in Milan ) , I think i know just few member of your guild Eliara,who helped me a lot with warlock skill tree , Norsk which i contacted on discord for a juperos party, and i forgot the in game name of the italian girl francesca,who was super nice to us
Best Regards