03-16-2019, 03:16 PM
Hello together,
after 3 years of absence during univesity I made the one wrong choice you could make: Open the fRO Client. Now I can't help myself because it just feels like home sitting in Prontera. Unfortunately my old guild spot - just across the street from yours - is empty and my former Guilds already left the Server. After inspecting castle-watch and all the active guilds I decided to join your Teamspeak and see what happens.
First let me introduce myself: I am from the Eifel, around the border of beautiful Luxembourg now residing in Mannheim, Germany and working mainly in Frankfurt but more across all Europe but especially "DACH". Depending on my current assignment I might be at home every evening, in Home office or just for Weekends - WoE Participation will be dependent on this. I am 25 years old and furtunately English is everyday business for me so hopefully I can talk to all the unicorns in english or german. Maybe also a bit french. In my freetime I mostly watch netflix, take baths, play some computer games and cook.
Back to the important stuff: I started playing in a Fun/WoE Guild "Viribus Unitis" and then started being interested in WoE. Since then, I mostly joined pure WoE guilds. Mainly Crazy Fruits, Legenda Aurea, Wheel of Time and ultimately got to Contra where I spent the most of my "Career".
I'm a very dedicated support player, my Main char is a Level 133 Arch Bishop names Sanctus~ with WoE Build (1/1/105/80/90/35 currently). Also my "OG Character" Lordi~which is a Ranger Level 102 (Bow Build currently, I guess). I would also be interested to take on other support classes such as Professor which is currently still a Sage
. My Equip is pretty basic - mainly oriented for leveling and party currently. I'm happy to invest in more equip also for WoE after getting some more input about the current fashion trends. It is mostly Valk eq with OG "unfro", "cranial", "immune"...
Of all the guild I came across the last hour Mimimi(mimi) was the most interesting one. After talking with a Member on Teamspeak you guys hit the sweet spot: Getting strong together with Leveling, Grinding and Farming and using this energy to give extraordinary performance during WoE. I'm convinced I would be a good addition to that.
If you would like to talk to me in person just let me know, I'm happy to join Teamspeak for a chat.

after 3 years of absence during univesity I made the one wrong choice you could make: Open the fRO Client. Now I can't help myself because it just feels like home sitting in Prontera. Unfortunately my old guild spot - just across the street from yours - is empty and my former Guilds already left the Server. After inspecting castle-watch and all the active guilds I decided to join your Teamspeak and see what happens.
First let me introduce myself: I am from the Eifel, around the border of beautiful Luxembourg now residing in Mannheim, Germany and working mainly in Frankfurt but more across all Europe but especially "DACH". Depending on my current assignment I might be at home every evening, in Home office or just for Weekends - WoE Participation will be dependent on this. I am 25 years old and furtunately English is everyday business for me so hopefully I can talk to all the unicorns in english or german. Maybe also a bit french. In my freetime I mostly watch netflix, take baths, play some computer games and cook.
Back to the important stuff: I started playing in a Fun/WoE Guild "Viribus Unitis" and then started being interested in WoE. Since then, I mostly joined pure WoE guilds. Mainly Crazy Fruits, Legenda Aurea, Wheel of Time and ultimately got to Contra where I spent the most of my "Career".
I'm a very dedicated support player, my Main char is a Level 133 Arch Bishop names Sanctus~ with WoE Build (1/1/105/80/90/35 currently). Also my "OG Character" Lordi~which is a Ranger Level 102 (Bow Build currently, I guess). I would also be interested to take on other support classes such as Professor which is currently still a Sage

Of all the guild I came across the last hour Mimimi(mimi) was the most interesting one. After talking with a Member on Teamspeak you guys hit the sweet spot: Getting strong together with Leveling, Grinding and Farming and using this energy to give extraordinary performance during WoE. I'm convinced I would be a good addition to that.
If you would like to talk to me in person just let me know, I'm happy to join Teamspeak for a chat.