Job application
  • Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!?
    -To maximize our relationship and for a better cooperation
  • Which Class do you want to play during WoE?
    -ShadowChaser (like i played for over a year now)
  • Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun)
    -if nothing major is happening to any of those 3 dates
  • In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us?
  • What are your goals in Ragnarok?
    -to improve in any aspect
  • Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild [Image: biggrin.png]?)
    -the standard SC build
  • Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.)
    -already known
  • The Nicks you use ingame.
  • -SeThLaw
  • -SethyLaw
  • -KoriFee
    are the most common.
  • And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill)
    -29, Male, you cant own a unicorn, they are too graceful to own.
If u have any more questions, feel free to ask. Else we see/hear us on the Teamspeak.
Welcome after all the time in our Forum, u will get your damn not necessary vote to join our WoE party!

see ya
just for info, as u can see at ur logos ur vote is through and was positive

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