Bio 118+ @ Sat 11.03 20:00-0:00
140+ they should go to Angra Mantis  Ani_ohnoes
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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next Try!
Saturday 9am start

if the people for whom this party is, wont have time, i will cancel this and do stuff for my own chars

so this party is espcially for:
atan, d3my, tyrant, guts
04.03.17 @work

[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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noboody of this 4 people answers anywhere so no party, i also mean , "no time, and i have time on bla"
(03-03-2017, 09:39 PM)Chié Wrote: noboody of this 4 people answers anywhere so no party, i also mean , "no time, and i have time on bla"
i wanted to party too bad..  Ani_wah Ani_sigh
OK, round two for double ExpEvent, if anyone wants to join, write down ur Charname, ur Class and Level
yeah mobber then 119 is my leech
me! 117 as DD Genetic (Ill try) if not my 117 ranger.
123 genetic
If genetic useles I can play oop ab, sb sura for leech. I have rg for mobbing but I dont know I can do that with this shit my connection. but I can try.

PS: my friend "anarko" can join as a mobber (127 gx) (he was join us for 2-3 woe and 1 time jupe party)
I like to join the Party, but I have to work  Cat14
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
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