Jupe 99+ Mo 06.03.17 15:00 - 19:00
We try to do a Jupe Party 99+

Post which chars you can play, maybe we can do a party.
If 15 o'clock is too early maybe we can also make the start @16 o'clock.

00 SB:

01 DD:
02 DD:

03 ipAB:
04 oopAB: Ranma

05 Exp Song:
06 SP/Bragi Song:

07 Mob: Scrope
08 Mob:
09 Mob:
10 Mob:
11 Mob:
12 Mob:
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
Show ContentWhy not ? (:

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Jupe 99+ Mo 06.03.17 15:00 - 19:00 - by Ranma - 03-05-2017, 10:22 PM

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