[11/01/2019] Win a Bravery Bag [1], +8 Refine Deed and more!

[Image: gb.png] On the 11 January 2019, from 8pm to 10pm, the following items will be available in the snail game:

Top Reward

Bravery Bag [1](x1)

Other Rewards

Zaha Doll Hat [1] (x1)
+8 Armor Refine Deed (x1)
+8 Weapon Refine Deed (x1)
Oblivion Stone (x1)
Critical Armor Shadow (x1)
CriHit Weapon Shadow (x1)
Healing Weapon Shadow (x1)
Dont Worry be Happy Ok

Messages In This Thread
11/01/18 - by Crookers - 01-11-2019, 09:46 PM

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