KvM every day till 15th of October - updated
Hey guys,
yey no school in the next two week. so...free evenings! Big Grin

I need ~250 KvM Points to get finaly a god damn weapon. but nobody is in KvM anymore :O
Thats why I need people! I can run 4 accounts at once. So I need 6 acconunts more.

Just tell me when you need some points too =O

Update:I'm in ts, just poke me o.o
Everbody can join Smile
Prof.Dr.Dr.Noki - 170/60 Sorcerer  Ok

Messages In This Thread
KvM every day till 15th of October - updated - by Noki - 10-02-2017, 09:02 PM
RE: KvM every day till 15th of October - by Kimey - 10-03-2017, 12:31 PM

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