JUPEROS 99+ SPEED PARTY / SUNDAY 10.02.2019 / 10:00-13:00
Hello everyone,

not much are motivated to level their high level characters and even without event 150+ Eclage is still a pain in the a...
As everyone has this one or more "just switched to 3rd class"-character, this would be an opportunity to level up those.
Also party should go only over 3hrs to ensure that everybody had enough sleep and can eat lunch without any Problems.

Details as follow:

Where? Juperos
When? Sunday, 10.02.2019
Time? 10:00 - 13:00 
Range? Level 99+ 
Exp? Don't know the exp but there will be plenty level ups.

We meet 30min before the party starts - ensure at least that your characters are ready before we start!

Setup (11/12):
  • DD: Ranma
  • DD: MySonnenschein
  • SB: Ranma
  • AB (IP): Flips>Chips
  • Songs (SP/Bragi): Lostris
  • EXP Song: Ragna
  • AB (OOP): NottyLulu (for GX Leech)
  • Mobber: Norsk
  • Mobber: Playa
  • Mobber: Imrik
  • Mobber: Dom
  • Mobber:

Best regards
[Image: 5n63RKBt.png]
exp m/f und mobber
falls was fehlt könnte ich auch noch alles andere stellen dann aber nicht mehr mobben
It's f***ng early after night shift but I guess if no one else can play it I'll do it, so the party is save.
Sunday is the last day of night shift, I should survive it xD

SB oop and DD Ranger Bo
[Image: Merchedes.png]  Ani_cool  
Show ContentWhy not ? (:
Great Ranma! Sounds perfect.

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