12-01-2018, 10:51 PM
[30/11/2018][BUYIT] Random Boxes Special Price Promotion!
List of Random Boxes and what's inside
On 30/11/18 at 4:00pm until 3/12/18 at 10:00 am, we are happy to offer you a special price reduction of 25% on the following items:
List of Random Boxes and what's inside
![[Image: gb.png]](http://forum.ragnarokeurope.com/ro/public/style_emoticons/default/gb.png)
On 30/11/18 at 4:00pm until 3/12/18 at 10:00 am, we are happy to offer you a special price reduction of 25% on the following items:
- Anniversary Sealed Box: 300KRTS
- Autumn Box: 300KRTS
- Bravery Box: 375KRTS
- Christmas Sealed Box: 300KRTS
- Fuuinka Koui: 260 KRTS
- Fuukoku Houin: 280KRTS
- Gofuu Kekkai: 300KRTS
- Gogyou Kaiin: 375KRTS
- GR Shiki Fuujin: 270KRTS
- Heroic Supply Box: 375KRTS
- New Year 2012 Box: 225KRTS
- Over 9000 Box: 300KRTS
- Plus-Plus Box: 375KRTS
- Sanbou Kyuukai: 265 KRTS
- Shikoku Mujin: 290KRTS
- Shishi Heikou: 300 KRTS
- Souseki Fuuin: 300KRTS
- Ura Shishou: 375KRTS
Dont Worry be Happy