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Full Version: Need help to level 117 to 118AB
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Hello guys,
Just need help in leveling a 117AB to get to 118
For a share party probably tonight or tomorow morning to afternoon
nothing in range sry -,-
Have you won something at the Lotto event? With only one right number you get 50 Marvelous Medals. If you go to Einbroch you can change them into Base Exp.
Thanks scrope and merlin .thats helpful i didnt play in the event. I might try tomorrow
With two right numbers you'll get Bloody Branches and you didn't play o.O
(07-31-2017, 06:37 PM) pid=\1047' Wrote:Ani_ohnoes With two right numbers you'll get Bloody Branches and you didn't play o.O
Lotto Event will be over on thursday
At Wednesday evening it's the last time you can get the Rewards. So two days left to do it with all your LV 60+ Chars

A Guide to the Event
Haha didnt win anything just my regular luck again. Mnaged to get a party btw thanks!