Mimimimimi! - Forum
Hello there. - Printable Version

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Hello there. - Attila - 12-09-2018

My name is Cenker.
I am 26 years old.
I am from Turkey and i have language problems with English and German.This is my new account in this server.I was playing in euro(loki)server and i am old Wushuang member.I looking for friends to share my knowledge and feeling.Thats all. Ani_gawi 

My in-game nicks are Attilahunt,AttilaTheMonk

Attilahunt(85 Hunter)
AttilaTheMonk(83 Monk)

i dont have any equipments,just i have eden equipments and some fists.

Thank you.

RE: Hello there. - Crookers - 12-09-2018

Welcome Ok

RE: Hello there. - Rucy - 12-09-2018

Welcome Bo

RE: Hello there. - Mabuse - 12-09-2018


RE: Hello there. - Abarrun - 12-09-2018

Welcome to our forum!

RE: Hello there. - Fuma - 12-09-2018


The language is no problem. If you want just visit us on Teamspeak, there we can help the most and you also can write questions.

RE: Hello there. - Dee - 12-09-2018

Welcome to the unicorn federation

RE: Hello there. - Johiii - 12-10-2018


RE: Hello there. - Ranma - 12-10-2018

Welcome Ok

RE: Hello there. - Merchedes - 12-10-2018

Hoş geldiniz.