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Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut (/showthread.php?tid=826)

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Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Lone - 09-05-2018

Hello everyone! I am Josh (Ingame LoneSoulInExile) a lvl 175 Arch Bishop playing support classes since 2004, euRO Loki.

After several guilds which participated in WoE, and some fun guilds which became inactive within a few months, I was running around quite solo lately.
When I talked to a few people of your guild, especially Feldgrille this time, I decided to give it a try and join MiMiMiMiMi!?

I stopped playing WoE long ago when I saw a lot of people using macros or other cheating engine. But I'm always available for some fun in PvP or PvM.

My gear is mostly PvM related.

Other chars I tryed out yet:

Royal Guard lv. 143
Sorcerer lv. 130

Almost every other class aswell, but thought they're boring as hell, as in, not fitting my playstyle by any chance.

Thanks for your time reading this very informative post about who joined your guild recently

as soon as I am back home, I can join your Teamspeak server aswell and talk to you guys, right now I don't have a headset with me.



RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Johiii - 09-05-2018


he forgot to add that he is from swizzerland so he has tons of gold in his basement!

RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Lone - 09-05-2018

(09-05-2018, 04:04 PM)Johiii Wrote: WILLKOMMEN JOSH

he forgot to add that he is from swizzerland so he has tons of gold in his basement!

Actually the "Grüezi" part of the topic thread should be hint enough to tell that I'm from switzerland Wink

No tons of golds in my basement that I am aware of though! :o

RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Norsk - 09-05-2018

I somehow remember you from euRO Loki.


RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Abarrun - 09-05-2018


RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Rucy - 09-05-2018

Welcome No1

RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Variant - 09-05-2018


RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Fuma - 09-05-2018


RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Ranma - 09-06-2018

Grüäzi zrugg, has mär grad bim Titäl läsä dänkt =D

No longer the only Swiss guy  Ani_flash

RE: Grüezi / Hallo / Hello / Salut - Mabuse - 09-06-2018

Gude und viel Spass bei unserm Haufe Gg