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Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Printable Version

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Hi guys! Ex-vet here - bboymad - 08-18-2018

Hi there! Tom here.

I've played  iRO actively for 5 years between 2011-2016, but I weaned myself out of it to focus on school - I couldn't commit to the hours needed by myself and my very WoE-orientated guild Sad

3 years later, i'm a student in med school with (surprisingly) a lot of time. I've decided to start again and re-download iRO, but to my shock, us Europeans can no longer play iRO (all my items and chars [Image: smiley_940-1b38.gif] )

I'm now starting afresh on the fRO server, and would love to make some new friends!

I made a similar post on the fRO forum and Four.Leaf.Clover approached me suggesting that I join this guild! so i guess this is my official declaration that i'd like to join this guild haha.

I was as active as i possibly could have been during WoE in iRO but it would always happen at like 2AM (since i live in England) so i wouldn't say i'm the most experienced - I was always more on the casual side of things and I specialise more in MVP (Endless Tower etc.) and party levelling other people's accounts. I do eventually want to get into WoE once i've maxed out at least 1 char as i can participate at more reasonable times on fRO server.

Anyways, feel free to get in touch with me. I'd really appreciate it!!! Smile 

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - SeThLaw - 08-18-2018

Welcome bboymad, do you have the teamspeak address, so we talk a little ?

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - bboymad - 08-18-2018

(08-18-2018, 06:39 PM)SeThLaw Wrote: Welcome bboymad, do you have the teamspeak address, so we talk a little ?

Hi there!

My teamspeak address is

I'm still figuring out how to use it haha

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Crookers - 08-18-2018

Welcome Ok

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Ranma - 08-19-2018

Hello and welcome to our community Ok

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Johiii - 08-20-2018


RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Dee - 08-22-2018

Welcome to the retardicorns federation

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - Mabuse - 08-22-2018

Nice to see U Ani_gawi

RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - rccz - 08-23-2018


RE: Hi guys! Ex-vet here - RuXx - 08-23-2018

Welcome friend