Mimimimimi! - Forum
Hi everyone! - Printable Version

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Mimimimimi! - International Ragnarok Online Guild (https://mimimimimi.de/forumdisplay.php?fid=1)
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+--- Thread: Hi everyone! (/showthread.php?tid=656)

Hi everyone! - Nisse - 03-29-2018

I was asked to write here, you might have seen me already at the social guild.
You can call me Nisse on team speak, my friends call me Meisa. I am 31 years, from Finland.
I used to play at old euRO back in 2005-06 with Grishna but after high school only random months, all these renewal stuff are new to me.

My main is Archbishop, because I loved to play and support others with my Priest back in the days. I can still remember the position title "Plz is not a word", guild leader thought that was funny that I gave only heals and buffs to players who asked with "please" Big Grin

Hope to meet you and have really nice parties!


RE: Hi everyone! - Ranma - 03-29-2018

Finally Ok

Welcome again, now as Forum Member  Ani_hungry

RE: Hi everyone! - 56 k playa - 03-29-2018

Hello and welcome in the forum.

RE: Hi everyone! - Dee - 03-29-2018

Hello Nisse  Ani_sexy Ani_sexy

RE: Hi everyone! - Variant - 03-29-2018


RE: Hi everyone! - Johiii - 03-31-2018

heeey Big Grin welcome