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Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Printable Version

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Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Jen - 02-15-2018

Ani_comeon Hi Mimimimimi,

Sunday 18.02.2018 Jupe 100+
Meeting is 11:30 Fockers Spot 
Party is form 12:00-16:00 (Server Time)

AB : Jen
AB (IP): Dee (Mimimi)

Bragi/SP: MinaColada 

SB (IP): Dee (Fockers) 

DD: Bartholomaeus
DD: xXHeavymetalmaestroXx

Mobber: Queny 
Mobber: Cute
Mobber: Nero (Black_Sorc)
Mobber: Time_Bandit


RE: Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Johiii - 02-15-2018

oww boy 2 jupe partys X_X

im allready in the other one sorry

RE: Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - MinaColada - 02-15-2018

man muss alle 4 Songs stellen? xD wenn nicht würde ich gerne ein sp/bragi machen und wenn ja dann gerne oop ab :>

RE: Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Dee - 02-15-2018

Can i join with my Priest, he's 101. I will also see if the mimi mobber is available as well.  Ani_gawi Ani_gawi Ani_gawi

RE: Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Jen - 02-15-2018

I need a IP Priest, also u can play AB

RE: Jupe 100+ 18.02.2018 - Bartholomaeus - 02-15-2018

i can join with my ranger