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New Guild Member! - Printable Version

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New Guild Member! - ozzychan - 12-30-2017

Hi guys. Ani_gawi 

I am Özcan from Turkey, I'm 29 years old. I was not active last two years in the game but I  came back. Gg 
My main char is warlock 151 lvl at the moment. It is hard to play and leveling solo so I am happy to joined your guild. Ani_sigh

Nice to meet you all !

RE: New Guild Member! - SeThLaw - 12-30-2017

welcome back then Özcan and selam. Use the tripple exp to lv up ur char Big Grin and if u need help check the teamspeak.

RE: New Guild Member! - Merchedes - 12-30-2017

Merhaba, hoşgeldiniz... herhangi bir ihtiyacın olursa oyun içinden yada ts'den bana ulaşman yeterli.

RE: New Guild Member! - Scrope - 12-30-2017

Merhaba and welcome to our forum Smile

RE: New Guild Member! - Ranma - 12-30-2017

Hi Ozzi

I set the member status to you Ok

Here is the Link to decrease lags, maybe it helps you Bo

RE: New Guild Member! - Dee - 01-01-2018

Hello Ozzz, welcome to mimimi Smile

RE: New Guild Member! - Mabuse - 01-01-2018

Welcome Ozzz