Application - plusebo - 05-20-2019
Hey everyone,
- Why do you want to join Mimimimimi!?
Because my brother is in this guild, i'm just looking for a group to join in on content and pull my weight where i can. Also looking for a good community to get help in improving in where i can finding info on this game with all the different clients is a pain.
- Which Class do you want to play during WoE?
Not realy sure currently leveling a Gcross but i have more chars personally i Always liked healing classes in any kinda raiding content so looking at a priest for that.
- Which WoEs during the week can you attend? (Wed, Sat, Sun)
All 3 of them would work for me probably. But as stated above i wil need to get a char up to par first to do it so i'l be looking foward on some info on healing classes or others to get me going.
- In which Guilds did you play before thinking about joining the Unicorn Force? And why did you leave them behind for us?
- What are your goals in Ragnarok?
Don't realy have any Goals for a game just to be able to do as much content as possible and play with a good group to make evrything more enjoyable i'm not realy a solo gamer.
- Your Build (Maybe you have a WoE-Build applying for a WoE-Guild?)
I will need info and help on this first seeing i have no clue
- Equipment (If it’s a secret send a PM.)
Nothing big of yet again will need info on my build and still in the proccess of leveling.
- The Nicks you use ingame.
xBritxxGuineverexxDestraxxMorganlefayxso far more chars to come at some point.
- And some details about you. (Age, Gender, how many Unicorns you own, … you know the drill)
31 of age i think not 100% sure, Normal relaxing person very down to earth and helpfull whereever i can be.Thanks for your time Best Regards
RE: Application - Fuma - 05-20-2019
Welcome plusebo!
For questions please try to contact us on teamspeak, 90% of conversation is there.
RE: Application - Lostris - 05-20-2019
Hi there :3
RE: Application - Ranma - 05-21-2019
Welcome Plusebo
If you have questions and can't find someone at the spot or in team speak, just write me a message at the forum
RE: Application - Eliära - 05-21-2019
Welcome bro
RE: Application - Norsk - 05-21-2019
Just one important suggestion to you: Even if your brother would stay until 175 @ Magmaring - TRY TO ESCAPE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
RE: Application - Dee - 05-21-2019
Welcome to the unicorn federation
RE: Application - Eliära - 05-21-2019
(05-21-2019, 01:33 PM)Norsk Wrote: Welcome 
Just one important suggestion to you: Even if your brother would stay until 175 @ Magmaring - TRY TO ESCAPE AS FAST AS POSSIBLE.
LIES magmarings are life!